See what happens in one summer ??
The pup grows up…
I worked overtime all summer long (and it has not stopped).. working 40 hours, commuting and overtime – kicks ones behind !
I have spent just about every weekend cleaning and purging stuff. Do any of you watch – Hoarders – on TV ? No, I am not a hoarder – but, I had a shed and studio that looked like I was. I
also watched a bunch of episodes where these women just shop and shop…..sound familiar to anyone ? Kinda scary how it can get out of control.
I joined a gym (because I have all this time on my hands, LOL !) I can do 300 ab crunches !
The only decorating I have done, has been on Farmville (which I soon will be giving up to blog again). Such a big time waster. I do have such a pretty farm…..
I haven’t spent much time with my camera or blog – which makes me sad – cause I miss you guys.
My Grandma reads my blog…..My Grandma is 88 years old and Ultra Kool ! Hi Grandma !!
Hugs - Kammy