Saturday, July 11, 2009

Met Monday/Thrifty Treasures/Kimbas DIY – Little Orphan Annie, A hamper for a teenager – who probably won’t ever use it, An Armoire that is Ooo Laa Laa …now, A wood tray, – that should have been burned.

It is time for Met Monday and Thrifty Treasures !  Each week you may participate or just visit each site to see what has changed for Met Monday or the bargains people find with Thrifty Treasures. I like to combine both, that is -find a Thrifty Treasure and Metamorphosis the treasure into something great ! Here are the links: Hostess Rhoda  Hostess Susan         Hostess Kimba

Little Orphan Annie 

This chair was 1/2 price at the ARC for $3.50. I thought she had some hidden talent in her. She had been abused and cast away like an orphan, so I called her Orphan Annie.

076 Her legs were wobbly – so I took her apart , re-glued her and then tapped her to hold that pose ! I used an electric sander on this baby as the stencils she wore were more like tattoos !


The poor kid had hideous blue stenciled hearts on her back. She also wore the ugliest tie on seat cushion ( My, my  I think the stencil hearts bring me back to the 80’s !) I should have taken a picture of the awful tied seat cushion – but it was soooo ugly, it was not permitted in the picture.


A couple of coats of hair color (really - I used spray paint)

Disclosure Note – nobody was harmed, in this make over.

032 Look at her sing now ! Can you see her on stage ?


The sun makes her look bright red but, she really is darker – I think she was just blushing with pride. The color is Claret Wine from Rust-oleum, my new favorite brand of spray paint. I did add some lip gloss ( because the Claret Wine is a satin – and I love glossy !)


Little Orphan Annie needed a new dress (cushion).

I just couldn’t leave her naked !

I used a paper bag for a template and cut out the foam to match her curves.



I bought this nice upholstery fabric from Joann’s ( clearance for $4.50 a yard !) Got out my staple gun and gave her a new look. I still have lots more fabric left to make something else…. So see- the sun will come up tomorrow, tomorrow……. Little Orphan Annie is singing now !

I think I have about fifteen bucks in this chair.

The Hamper for a Teenage Girl , who probably won’t ever use.

I bought this hamper for a mere $1.99 for my fourteen year old….I wonder if she will ever open it to use ? I think I will hide all the extra chocolate in the house inside to keep it safe….Snicker , Snicker, Milky way, York peppermint patty……


The bottom was coming undone – so I stapled it back together before giving it a paint job. Not a huge change  but, so thrifty at $1.99 and some paint ! This hamper is super heavy and wasn’t originally a cheap one. Score !


Ugly wood tray that should have been burned.

I can not believe that I paid full price for this tray – a buck- ninety -nine !

I loved this size and shape…I day dreamed about what it could be while putting it in my cart…the life it could have and promised it that it wouldn’t hit the burn pile.

039 I painted it Apple Green and inserted a piece of cardboard with batting and fabric – Wah Lah – I perfect tray for the top of my daughters dresser. I thought it would be cute in the middle of the two lamps I posted last week….


020 An Armoire that now is Ooooo La la

This armoire is just so-so. Doesn’t match a thing. There is a desk inside so maybe, just maybe my fourteen year old may do HOMEWORK in it (hint, hint)


Low and behold – stop the presses….I did not, I repeat – I did not use spray paint ! I used Behr – Cottage White- high gloss and applied it with a smooth roller brush. Now, I coulda used spray paint – but it probably would have used at least 5 cans…..I bought a gallon for around 25 dollars and used maybe 1/6 of the can….I have plenty of left over for the bed, night stand and other items (in progress – to post at a later date).


Here it is – very perrty, kinda Shabby Chic !

I apologize for last weeks posts – not my witty style….I had just  started my Staycation  (definition: Vacation from work and not going anywhere) and so many things to do.  My hubby and I worked on the new floor for our remodeled kitchen and back room entry. I will be sure to post pictures soon – it really is quite a transformation. I am exhausted at the end of a week off ,between the kitchen and my make-over's. I am ready to return to work with at least 6 hours of sleep each night ! Yeah sleep !

Hugs ~ Kammy


Gwen said...

All of your transformations are dreamy. I love that claret color and may have to pick that up for my arsenal...I mean stash:)

Barbara Jean said...

These are awesome re-dos!
The red paint and fabric go perfectly together and love that huge cupboard!
Wish i could get mine done that fast.
I get too many behind and then never do some of them. Just sold a bunch of projects at my garage sale a week ago.
Now I can start fresh.

Barbara Jean

PS Did you use latex on the big cabinet?

Anonymous said...

These are perfect. I have not seen that claret color. That little chair would certainly be welcome at my condo at the lake. Thanks for sharing and by the way, your blog is just super!


Dawn said...

Great saves! I just love seeing something that was headed for the trash turned into something beautiful.

ChesterAndDonkey said...

Awesome, awesome job! I love that chair - that red is a great color.

Unknown said...

Great job on all the transformations. I am amazed at how fast you do everything.

g.suzie said...

Kammy, I'd say that you are one ambitious and talented girl. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished! Great job, the red chair looks wonderful! Hope you have some time to just 'veg' a bit before you go back to work!

Tammy518 said...

Kammy, once again, great thrifty finds and redos! I especially love the red chair since red is my favorite color. Also, I'm LOL at the hamper for a teenager who probably won't ever use it. I've got two of those myself and their dirty clothes are always scattered all over their rooms.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

OMG Kammy,
You are turning into one talented and thrifty diva!!! I love orphan annie and I am crazy about the color!! I know about the hamper thing and teenagers, but hey, its a beauty and what a deal too! I love what you did to that tray, its all good! We are using that Behr Cottage White a lot, my hubby used it on the Armoire he built! Fabulous Kammy!! Cindy

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

They're all great transformations. I love them. The armoire is just gorgeous. I love the white color. All are beautifully done. Hugs, Marty

Marilyn said...

You have such a good eye for transformations! The chair and cushion look great together. Thanks for sharing your talents.

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

You’ve been a busy gal! Can’t wait to see all the hard work you did during your “staycation”. I bet there are a lot of those going on in this economy. I love the transformations. The chair has such beautiful lines, it just needed a little love from Daddy Warbucks aka you! I did a little transformation myself this weekend.

Lori E said...

Kammy you are my paint Queen. I bow to you and your brilliant creations.

The Tattered Cottage said...

Kammy -

WOW! Orphan Annie looks GREAT! Love the tray and Armoir!! I have been using cottage white for a while now and love it! I'm exhausted just looking at all you have done, but, now I'm motivated to get some of my things done :)

Christina said...

Wonderful transformations!! Love the armoire. It is amazing that a coat of white paint can update something so dramatically.

Also love the red chair. Lol about the chocolate.

Love seeing all you have done.

blushing rose said...

I think I want to be an orphan and see what you'll do with me! Chuckle! Absolutely fantastic recreations. You did beautiful ... TTFN ~Marydon

Kelli said...

Incredible makeovers!! All of them are beautiful and just my style. Thanks for showing them off!!!!

Signing Out said...

Wow! I love what you did with the chair! The color and fabric are perfect! And, the armoire looks sensational painted ... what a difference!


Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

I love your little chair! Isn't it amazing what a little paint can do?

I'm so glad you liked my tassel. I also want to make some with little statues too, but I thought I'd practice with just the tassel part first. Hope you have a great week!

Suzanne in TX said...

Kammy--super duper job on all of the items. The added cushion to the chair really made a huge difference.
I love all of your projects and can't wait to see more. I just clicked to follow your blog--hope to see you over my way soon...

ThriftyAnnabella said...

Everything turned out very pretty

★Carol★ said...

A teenager use a hamper? Instead of the floor? That's madness! I love all of your makeovers. That red you used on the chair is gorgeous, and the cushion is a beauty. Great job all around, as always!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Beautiful re-dos! You are so talented! Linda

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Kammy these are great Thrifty Treasure transformations!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my Dear Kammy! Oh, I love all your makeovers! What bargains you got! I adore that chair and the color you chose is marvelous and the seat cushion! You're wonderful! The tray turned out so cute! I don't think I would have thought of putting fabric in the bottom! I love it! Now that cabinet is truly awesome! I love it and it looks absolutely brand new! You did such an outstanding job of all of these! Mayber you should come to see me and I'll go buy the spray paint! I've heard the Rustoleum is a great spray paint!
I've entered your name in my giveaway!
be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Cheap&Sweet: Life on the scales said...

OMGosh I wish I had you flare for colors I just paint everything black :-(

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kammy, I love, love all your makeovers & thrifty finds! Girl, you have been busy. That white cottage armoire is great, as is the old tray you spiffed up and the red chair! Oh that red chair is adorable. You have some great pieces now. Thanks for playing in the party & for your sweet comments!

Wade & Melissa said...

Awesome re-dos...I love them all but especially the chair. The Armoire is gorgeous also!

Bonnie said...

Kammy, you are so good with color. I don't know how you decide what to go with, everything ends up beautiful! I'll take the chair and the armoire please!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

All your redos look great. I have a cabinet I am thinking seriously abour painting black. What kind of roller did you use? Brand, type, size? Thanks for any info.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Kammy, I have been wondering if you ever sleep. Girl, you are the Energizer Bunny! I LOVE your makeovers. You are getting so good (heck, maybe you were always this good and I just didn't know you yet!) that I wonder when you're going to have your own magazine column with your stuff shown to the world. GREAT work, Kammy!

Jenny said...

Beautiful pieces!

Unknown said...

HA HA! LOL! Tattoos! That was the perfect description. It turned out darling!!

All the rest are great to. Good job.


Anonymous said...

The chair makeover is fabulous! I have been looking for a dark red satin spray paint. Not bright red, not burgundy, just dark rich red. Just like your chair!
Crossing my fingers that Claret wine is the one, I wrote the name down and will have to go check it out.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

wow, wow, wow...great make-overs...I love that little tray!

KBeau said...

Well, you've been painting up a storm. You can come to my house and paint any time you'd like. I can probably come up with lots of things that need a good freshening up.

Kathleen said...

Hi Kammy!
I love the red chair and tray, and the armoire is great! You are a painting fool..
But,,,um,,did you get any white napkins yet? :)

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

WOW! That's all I can say. WOW! :)

Sarah said...

Wow girl, your transformations are red-HOT! You are on the hot tamale train for sure. :)

I love the armoire the best.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Hi, It is me again. Did you sand or prime the pieces before painting? Especially the cabinet.
I had to come back and look at your work again. So nice. Bet you wished I would go away and quit asking questions. :-)

abeachcottage said...

wow these are right up my alley, love love the transformations, and the hamper is gorgeous, isn't it great to save these things?!

happy met monday


Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

I love that chair, Kammy!! You are awesome getting all these projects done!!

the undomesticated wife said...

That little chair is just awesome!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Wow, you have some seriously good transformations! I think the chair is to die for!!!

Shauna said...

Wow, you do great work! I love the red chair. Love your blog, can't wait to come back and read more. Thanks for stopping by!

Create in me a clean heart O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 said...

Oh, I love all of your transformations! I really like the armoire and tray - so cute! Great job!

Brandi said...

That chair is amazing! I just love what you did with it! :) Thanks for stopping by.

Darlene said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE all of your makeovers!!!! You are SOOO creative. It all turned out so GREAT! I'll definitely be visiting you a lot more....glad to have met you.

Peg said...

You have certainly been busy on your stay-cation. You'll have to return to work just to rest. I love all your creations. I was amazed by the chair and I really like the desk you painted white.

xinex said...

Hi Kammy! You have been busy and how productive! Everything you did transformed into something really lovely. You are really good!...Christine

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Kammy, you have really been busy, but you sure have a lot to show for it! All of these makeovers are so great. That claret color and the cushion on Little Orphan Annie sure made the sun come out today! The "study" armoire looks so updated with the white paint. You are so smart to rescue that hamper and that tray and turn them into something great! laurie

Tarva said...

Wow!! Love all of your transformations. I've marked your blog as one of my favorites. I'll keep checking in for inspiration.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Me again! :-D Thank you so much for the info. I absolutely do not like to paint, so always try to find the easy way out. I really like how smooth the finish was on your projects. Ok - I'm gone. :-D
Have a great week.

Susie Q said...

Kammy I LOVE that armoire! My blog talks about our new to us tv. So the armoire that I am going to do will end up in the loft with tv, game cube and games. Might even be the best place after all;D

Your comment about knowing about Jon and Kate w/o watching the show...I know we live fairly close...I listen to Scott and Sadie in the morning on 97.9 Big Country & Sadie seems to be obsessed so they talked about it...and Scott was pretty bewildered. They got me curious (I had heard about the family when the 6 were born and when they got the show, but hadn't paid a lot of attention. So it's all Sadie's fault ;D

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Those look great! I love them all.
The armoire looks so much better white. You got some great deals.
Thanks for sharing,

Ashley @ AshleysBusy said...

I love that read chair and the white cabinet, great job!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Fabulous transformations!!! :) I love the little red chair, and we had a hamper just like that when I was growing up. :) Visiting from Rhoda's party! :)

Blue Creek Home said...

Hi Kammy,
You did a great job on your finds.
The red chair is fabulous. Good prices too.

Reid said...

Great finds! Love the hamper!!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Wow, that is a fabulous transformation on your chair! The tray came out pretty too!

Anonymous said...

Wow - nice job on everything! I love the red chair. You did a great job on her.

Kathysue said...

Hi Kammy, thankyou for coming over and leaving a comment on Martys Met Monday post. It was really fun to do a guest post. you should totally put more glass in your kitchen, I have enjoyed mine so much and it is a really inexpensive facelift. You are quite the industrious person to have transformed all of your wonderful pieces, I buy things and they never get finished. You are an inspiration, Hugs Kathysue

Richella Parham said...

These are WONDERFUL!! I'm not sure which one I like best. Bravo to you for actually getting things done. I can't wait to see the photos of your projects from last week!

Lynette said...

OK - you win!! Not that we are having a contest or anything - but girl - you rock!! That armoire - to.die.for. But, I'll be honest, that wood tray thing that you saved from being used as fire wood, I think that is my fav!! It looks so much better - I would have walked right past it - and probably laughed or at least snickered under my breath at the poor fool that bought it, but not you, you bought it and made it gorg!
So, again, YOU WIN!!

Anonymous said...


Love all your makeovers and if your daughter does not want the hamper I could take it off your hands for you! ;)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week.

Barb said...

Hi Kammy, wow, girl, you are talented and clever. I love it all but the cottage white cabinet has me drooling. Gorgeous!

Hugs, Barb

brokeintrovert said...

I love your work!

Unknown said...

Hi Kammy! I always look forward to your furniture make over posts... Its cute as I read and scroll down SLOWLY so I don't see a bit till its time! More please!
I hope you have a fabulous week!
~Really Rainey~

Denise Marie said...

you do such a great job showing your projects...can't wait to see the room your daughter will have all put together.

Carol said...
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phillips phamily said...

Lots of great projects! Aren't you the busy, busy lady! Might just motivate me to get one project done around here!

Nicole A. said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair and that armoire is soooo awesome! Love that tray too, what awesome makeovers!

Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

Those stencils on the chair were awful! I'm very impressed with all you did with a little paint and fabric. Great!

Anonymous said...

Wow you must be the enegizer bunny with all the energy you have to get these projects done!! They all are wonderful!


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

amazing transformations. it is truely a gift to see what something can become rather than what it is....

Sandra said...

Wow! I love all your transformations! I always use Cottage White by Behr for the things I want to paint here. I just painted my bed and dresser in that same color. Love it! I hope you don't mind that I will become one of your folowers. :) I'm gonna go look around your blog some more. Take care.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Woo hoo!!! Such fabulous finds & great transformations. I love the red chair the best. You are so good on doing your makeovers. I buy things & then never get around to doing the makeover. I need you to come to my house & whip me in shape. Remember, I have a pool! I know you are tempted.

2 Dogs said...

Oh wow!! Those look great. Fantastic job!!

GranthamLynn said...

Wow you have been busy. I love the chair so cute and what a job on the seat. You should do a tutorial! The cabinet and hamper so cute. Great job.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great week.

Madame Meg said...

Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog! My, my are you handy with thrift store makeovers! Seeing what you've done for your daughter's room has given me new strength to keep trying at making my dressers a white I like- perhaps your Cottage White will be better! I'll certainly give that a try!
- Meg

Quiltpiecer said...

Wow, you got some great deals and turned them into beautiful treasures! I LOVE LOVE the red chair (red is my favorite color), especially because it was such an Orphan Annie! Thanks so much for sharing!

Quiltpiecer said...

One more thing ... thanks for stopping my blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon.

Christie said...

You are amazing at transforming furniture and have inspired me to get working on some paint/furniture projects I have been wanting to do. I have been looking for the right shade of white paint, and I think Behr Cottage White might do the trick! Thanks for the motivation!

Shannan Martin said...

All hail the Queen of craftiness! Great job with all of your finds! I love that desk armoire. Looks like brand new PB!
ps- Thanks for checking out my kitchen. :)

Its So Very Cheri said...

Love the shabby chic desk station-and the chair-what a transformation. May I asked what the ARC is. Is it local or am I just so tired from my daughter waking up at 3 am and not going back out till about 6:45-YIKES.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dear Kammy! Oh, thanks for the visit! I like that one, "We use our kitchens!" ;) Yes, we do! I've never had one of those just 'to look at' kitchens! Some folks do and I'm just amazed!
Now what are you up to this week? More projects! You have a lot of energy and I wish I had just 1/4 of yours! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Jen said...

Wow you are incredibly talented and inspiring. It takes talent to see the hidden beauty in something and then create it.

Lady Katherine said...

What wonderful treasures you have made! The chair is great, the tray, the armoire! I love it all! Your my kind of girl! lol I love all things old!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

All of your projects look great! The cabinet came out so pretty! I'm with you on the can of paint. I bought a gallon last year painted my fireplace and a huge mirror and still have 3/4 of a can left!


Carrie said...

Your work on the thrifted furniture items is just excellent! The color tranformations have made new decor items for your home.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Kammy, what can I say? You absolutley rocked those transformations! SO LOVELY!

Cindy said...

Wow, you made all of those cast off pieces look so GORGEOUS! You really have the touch! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment! I appreciate it. I love your blog and your witty style. I will definitely be back! Hugs, ~cindy s~

Runner Mom said...

Hey, Kammy! Thanks so much for following my blog! I just read down yours with my mouth hangin' open! Wow! What great finds and wonderful redos!! You are great!!

I saw Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, and had to laugh! I have 2 similar vases, but with a lion's head on them--no cute monogram!! I do like your ideas.

Finally, which canon do you have? I just got my xsi last Tuesday!! I saved for months!! I have slew of questions about it! My first class is next Thursday.

Ok, child #2 needs me...let me scoot!


Amy {The Red Chair Blog} said...

All of your transformations are great, but the tray is my favorite!

Jennifer Juniper said...

I love it!!! All of it!!! What would we do without spray paint??? You have inspired me to go back to Goodwill to pick up the $10 orphan chair I was looking at :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful projects. I would have a hard time choosing a favorite among them. You have done a great job and inspired me as well!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! Everything is sooooo beautiful! I love Orphan Annie - nothing makes me smile like a cheery red chair. :)

Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog.

Decor To Adore said...

You have been a busy bee! What a great transformations! Well done~

~Kimberly said...

Loved everything! I'm a big fan of red, so the chair is awesome!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Holy cow you have been busy! You think I am creative...I think you are amazinG!

Jane said...

Those are awesome projects!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Kammy, I am still amazed at our talent for redoing cast off furniture. Everything is just gorgeous. I also wanted to let you know that the next "Cloch Party" is scheduled for the 11th of Sept. for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty

WhisperWood Cottage said...
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WhisperWood Cottage said...

Holy buckets! I don't know what I like best! They are all outstanding projects! The magic of paint and your talent!!!!


Susan@The Cozy Chickadee said...

I love the chair, it's so cute! I'm also jealous of the armoire, it looks way better white! I have so many projects to paint, I had better get busy and keep up with you!

grannyann said...

Great buys and redos!!!! love everyone.

Anonymous said...

I am so, so glad that you stopped by my blog, because I just love yours! You have so many great ideas, and I can't wait to do some more exploring!

ani @ kindness on her tongue said...

love the red chair! love the armoire! beautiful, beautiful!

Love Of Quilts said...

Fantastic redoes.Great fines. I have found so good buys at the good will.